Canalization and waste water

Waste water collection, discharge and treatment, as well as maintenance of city water supply and canalisation systems is performed by SIA ‘’Liepājas ūdens’’.

To connect to the city canalisation network, please, contact SIA “Liepājas ūdens”:


SIA “Liepājas ūdens”
Address: K.Valdemara Str. 12

Registration of decentralised canalization systems

All natural and legal persons, that own or manage decentralised canalization systems (canalization that is not connected to the general city system), must provide information on these systems by submitting a registration form to the SIA “Liepājas ūdens”.

Currently the register is in development stage and additional information will be provided later.

Sanitation services

Waste waters and sediments from decentralized canalization systems can be collected and removed by a sanitation service provider that is registered by the municipality and adheres to all requirements of provisions on waste water collection and handling.

Registered sanitation service providers:

To register as the provider of sanitation services, the provider must submit a completed application form available in the Appendix 1 to the Liepaja city municipality provisions No. 27 “On order of management of decentralised canalization systems in the city of Liepaja”.

The application can be submitted in person to the Liepaja city municipality administration Environment department, room 117, or in Liepaja municipality administration Visitor centre at Rozu Str. 6, or electronically in accordance with the applicable provisions on formalization of electronic documents.

Additional information by phone: 63 404 745.


  • Updated:
  • 13th November, 2024