Drinking water

Drinking water extraction, purification and delivery to people of Liepaja city, companies, governmental institutions, and organizations is performed by SIA “Liepājas ūdens’’.

Drinking water in Liepaja city water supply is extracted from two artesian water extraction regions – Otanki and Aistere.

Drinking water is extracted from 100 m to 450 m deep artesian wells. Afterwards water undergoes purification and de-ironing processes. After purification water is transferred into one of six drinking water reservoirs and supplied to consumers. Water quality is controlled regularly, on a daily basis.

To connect to the city communications network, please, contact SIA “Liepājas ūdens”:


SIA “Liepājas ūdens”
Address: K.Valdemara Str. 12
E-mail: lu@liepajas-udens.lv
Homepage: www.liepajas-udens.lv