Grave maintenance

Once a year Cemetery authority inspects untended graves, forms an act for each untended grave and marks it with a warning sign.

Sample of the warning sign and information on further communication in case of such sign on the particular grave is available on information stand next to the cemetery entrance.

Warning sign samples:

  • when a grave is deemed untended,
  • when no contract is signed on the grave or the contract period has expired.

Liepaja municipality provisions on cemetery maintenance, order of grave granting, burial, use of chapel, burial of persons with no relatives, order of act issuance for untended grave sites are defined in the Liepaja city council provisions No. 23 “Provisions of Liepaja city municipality on cemetery functioning and maintenance”.


Liepāja Cemetery Authority
Phone: +371 63 424 533

  • Updated:
  • 14th June, 2024