Higher education

Liepaja has several higher education institutions that offer education in various fields. Higher education in Liepaja can be acquired in following education institutions.

Liepaja University

Liepaja University is the largest university in Kurzeme, which provides education in more than 40 programmes for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s degrees.

Riga Stradins university subsidiary in Liepaja

The only healthcare education institution in Kurzeme region that offers State financed Bachelor and first level professional education according to European standards.

Riga Technical college subsidiary in Liepaja

Professional education competency centre “Riga Technical college subsidiary in Liepaja” provides the higher technical education closer to home in following study programmes:

  • motor transport,
  • electric machinery,
  • mechanical engineering.

Liepaja Maritime college

For more than 140 years Liepaja Maritime college educates future ship captains and mechanics. In addition to these two specialities the college educates logistic experts in maritime shipping.

Riga Technical University subsidiary in Liepaja

RTU Liepaja subsidiary accepts students to study in several Bachelor, academic and level 1 higher professional education full-time and part-time programmes, as well as for studies in evenings.

Business university “Turība” subsidiary in Liepaja

Studies in Liepaja subsidiary provide education by experienced lecturers and industry professionals from Riga. Liepaja subsidiary provides level 1 higher professional education.

Baltic International Academy subsidiary in Liepaja

Baltic International Academy provides academic and higher professional education in fields characteristic to Latvian economy according to the requirements of the European Union.

College of Law subsidiary in Liepaja

College of Law is a state-accredited college that provides first level higher professional education.