Liepaja city territorial planning

The planning determines functional zoning, public infrastructure, regulates provisions on territory use and development, as well as other conditions and restrictions on territory use.

Liepaja city territorial planning came into force on the 1st of March 2012, and remains in force until the year 2037. 

Following documents are available only in Latvian language.

Liepaja city territorial planning

  1. Liepaja city territorial planning – current situation.
  2. Liepaja city territorial planning – planning solutions.
  3. Map of allowed use of territory.
  4. Provisions on territory use and development.
  5. Main protection zones and restrictions.
  6. Protected housing territories.
  7. Maximum height of protected housing.
  8. Borders of city construction monument of national significance.

Summarized (on maps/in various levels) territorial planning information is available in Territorial planning geographic information system browser. By entering the address or cadastre number of the particular plot of land in the browser, you will be able to view the development provisions, allowed use and other information included in territorial planning.

Additional information and notes on territorial planning

  • Updated:
  • 26th April, 2021