Warning: Tatiana Tyunina

    • Published:
    • Publication date:
    • 7th November, 2022
    • 7th November, 2022

    Tatiana Tyunina was issued a warning about administrative act enforcement No. Nr. 349-b/2.5.54.


    Liepaja city municipality Tax administration has published the document in accordance with the third part of paragraph 9 prim of the “Law on real estate tax”.

    According to the third part of 9-prim paragraph of “Real estate law”, the Liepaja city Tax administration has published following document.

    The warning can be read in Liepaja city municipality Tax administration premises on Rozu Str. 6, Liepaja, room number 142.

    Contact person

    Financial management Income department tax economist
    Phone: (+371) 63 404 728
    E-mail: inna.vaskovska@liepaja.lv