Professional education

In addition to traditional education, residents of all ages have access to various interest education and informal education, including life-long education options.

Liepaja has two education competency centres that provide current and innovative education opportunities. These education institutions have a modern study environment, competent personnel – industry experts, relevant education programmes and competitive education.

Alumni of these programmes receive level 3 professional education.

PECC “Liepaja music, art and design secondary school”

Liepaja secondary school of music, art and design consists of two schools that are united in a single professional education competency centre:

  • Liepaja art and design secondary school,
  • Emils Melngailis Liepaja music secondary school.

Liepaja music, art and design secondary school provides education in arts, design and music to students studying in one of the four-year programmes (after primary school) or two-year programmes (after secondary school).

During studies the students receive state stipend and increased stipend for good grades.

Additional information about education in Liepaja music, art and design secondary school is available here:

PECC “Liepaja State Technical school”

After reconstruction Liepaja State Technical school has become one of the most modern professional education institutions in Kurzeme region. The State Technical school has a comprehensive learning environment and allows to train qualified specialists in accordance with the needs of the labour market.

Liepaja State Technical school provides education in more than 20 professions in various fields both after 9th and 12th grade, including engineering, commercial sciences, finance, catering, crafts, tailoring and other professions.

During studies the students receive state stipend and increased stipend for good grades.

Additional information about education in Liepaja State Technical school is available here:

Liepaja Maritime college

For more than 140 years Liepaja Maritime college educates future ship captains and mechanics. In addition to these two specialities the college educates logistic experts in maritime shipping.