State administration institutions

We have summarized state and municipal institutions in Liepaja in a single section for ease of access.

Liepaja branch of Commercial Register
Address: Graudu Str. 27/29, Liepāja (entry from Dika un Graudu street corner side)

Liepaja branch of State Revenue Service
Address: Juras Street 25/29, Liepāja

Liepaja branch of State Employment Agency
Address: Graudu Street 50, Liepāja

Liepaja business incubator of Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
Address: Darza Street 4/6, Liepāja

State Land Service client service centre
Address: Graudu Street 27/29, Liepāja

Liepaja Special economic zone authority
Address: Feniksa Street 4, Liepāja

Liepaja branch of State Environment Service
Address: Jauna ostmala 2a, Liepāja

Southern Kurzeme branch of Veterinary and Food Department
Address: E. Veidenbauma Street 11, Liepāja

Kurzeme regional branch of State Labour Inspectorate
Address: Barinu Street 15, Liepāja

Liepāja City Council
Liepaja city municipality administration
Address: Rozu Street 6, Liepāja

  • Updated:
  • 20th March, 2024